Just make sure that you have available Belize Phone Numbers List credit with your mobile phone carrier and you have the right phone number where you'll send your message. Younger generations or youngsters easily learn how to send SMS messages. Older generations or older people have a harder time learning the new technology since in their time, all Belize Phone Numbers List they may have been used to may be the telegram, or the old mail service (snail mail). Aside from being able to send and receive text messages, you can also use your phone Belize Phone Numbers List to send SMS message alerts to buddies in a chat group.
Simple steps to receive and send SMS message 1. Access Belize Phone Numbers List the main menu on your phone and go to "Messages." 2. Go to "Create Messages" and push the select button. 3. Enter your message using the letters on the keypad. Take note that mobile phone keypads have a different keypad setting than computers which have QWERTY keypads. Numbers Belize Phone Numbers List 2 to 9 have corresponding letters to each of them which when you press, will produce the letter you desire based on a number of presses. For example, to type the Belize Phone Numbers List letter "e," you will have to press the keypad number 3 twice. The press time you press it, the letter "d" will appear in the screen.
Press it again to make "e" appear on the screen. Then repeat Belize Phone Numbers List the process for all the other letters you need to type out. Note: press 0 for space and the number 1 keypad for commonly used punctuation marks. Press the asterisk sign to access more symbols and other punctuation marks. Press the pound sign if you want to switch from ALL Belize Phone Numbers List CAPS to small letters, to T9 (smart typing) - a phone software that tries to guess what you are typing and completes the words for you. 4. Once you have completed typing your Belize Phone Numbers List message, go to "Options" and press "Select."