You want to have a good credit rating Buy Email List because prospects are going to run a D&B on your company. Get rid of credit Buy Email List cards that you do not use because this can also harm your credit score. Additionally, avoid running up credit card debt. Do not get into debt no matter what. It will kill the Buy Email List business and stress you out. FINANCIALS There are two very important documents you must have.
One, is a balance sheet assets & liabilities. Assets Buy Email List are cash in the bank, furniture you might have, etc. Liabilities are Buy Email List accounts payable, outstanding loans, collecting 401K from an employee, etc. Second, is an income Buy Email List statement (revenue/expenses/profit.) This would include what your sales and Buy Email List expenses are. You take what you sold, minus expenses, and that is what your profit is.
At the end of the year, that Buy Email List profit gets carried over to your balance sheet and becomes part of your owner equity for the next year. It is very important to understand your financials. If you don't, get a Buy Email List book, attend a seminar, etc. You don't want to rely on your accountant. You have to be Buy Email List cautious of embezzlement when hiring an outside company so it's key to understand your financials and be able to notice anything that doesn't look right.